In the unlikely event that you have stumbled upon this site at the dawn of its creation you may be wondering what this website is and why does it exist?
Well, to summarise my initial intentions, the aim of this blog is to be a place where I can capture, collate and cultivate my experiences . These will be predominantly through the medium of adventure and travel. I believe that the experiences I’ve gained through travel and adventure have helped mold me, but it would be foolish to think these are the only topics that are worthwhile documenting. These ventures open doors to other aspects of the world. The discussions had during a hellish hike are often the most profound. Talks of books, the climate, passions, productivity, and encompassing all of these things – a burning desire to explore and experience as much as I can during my time on this planet. If you are like me, you may find yourself continually falling obsessively in love with new ideas, activities and places. And for this reason, I think i’d better not box myself in too much!

At the time of writing I do not know how this blog will develop. I’ve watched the youtube videos on millionaire bloggers and successful website – but statistically most blogs don’t get past their 3 month anniversary. To be honest, I think if I let myself worry even a small amount about strategizing for growth, outlook and blog-induced financial freedom I would never write a single post for fear of “getting it wrong”.
My plan of action is just to start writing and see what happens. I’m no writer by any means and i’m sure to make many mistakes during my process. Heck, Im even a novice adventurer at best! However, I’m passionate about the topic and I’m sure if nothing else, things can only improve. Wherever this blog ends up, it will be valuable to look back on this first post and remember my initial intentions.
I am firmly in the “do-er” camp, and generally find myself going all in on a hobby for weeks or months only to find a new passion in my life that has gripped me with an uncontainable excitement and move on. I’m hoping that this blog will be a place where I can gather those numerous passions, document them for my own personal record and hopefully add value to at least a couple people who stumble upon this page and feel like they can resonate with the ideas shared.
In addition to this, I am constantly striving to improve on my outlook and knowledge. I will always want to learn more and grow and I think that documenting and creating is a useful tool to develop faster and more significantly. No matter the audience, I believe a platform to think, learn and grow will be personally beneficial.
In short, I have no idea what i’m doing, but i’m going to give it a go and see what happens.
Thank you for reading and please continue to follow me on my blogging journey.